
The production API and ingestion server Docker images are published to Github Container Registry. They can be found here:

These images are published under two conditions: on release, or manually.

On release#

When a new release is cut, the CI/CD action will run. The final step of this action uploads the Docker images to their respective registries with the following tags:

  • Release reference name, typically the git tag (e.g. v2.4.2)

  • latest

  • The commit SHA of the tagged commit (e.g. b25879b84ec9d7b650be689c03384937a93eb06d)

In some cases, releases may not alter the Docker image. For instance, in a release where only the API was changed, the ingestion server image would have the same Docker image hash. In these instances, the new tags are added to the existing image.


The Docker image for a particular service can also be published manually. This process is initiated by the Publish Docker images on-demand action. The workflow file for this action can be found here: push_docker_image.yml.

This action will only publish & tag a service’s image with the commit SHA (i.e. it will not tag with latest or the git reference name). This is useful for cases where one or more Docker images need to be tested on a staging environment before being merged and cut with a release. This action also requires that the CI/CD workflow has previously run on the specified commit. This typically requires a PR in order to initiate.

Note that this action can only run on commits that had successful CI/CD runs in the last 90 days due to GitHub’s default artifact retention policy.


Note: GitHub’s documentation provides screenshots for the various steps

  1. Navigate to the openverse-api “Actions” tab in GitHub:

  2. Select the “Publish Docker images on-demand” workflow.

  3. Click the “Run workflow” button.

    1. (Optional) change the branch that the workflow is running from (this does not change anything about the target commit)

    2. For the image parameter, specify either api or ingestion_server.

    3. For the commit parameter, specify the commit that the built Docker image artifact should be pulled from.

  4. Click the green “Run workflow” button.

The newest run should appear in the Action list, and its status can be tracked from there.

Example Screenshot