Blueprints Examples
Check the Blueprints Gallery to explore real-world code examples of using WordPress Playground to launch a WordPress site with a variety of setups.
Let's see some cool things you can do with Blueprints.
Install a Theme and a Plugin
"steps": [
"step": "installPlugin",
"pluginZipFile": {
"resource": "",
"slug": "coblocks"
"step": "installTheme",
"themeZipFile": {
"resource": "",
"slug": "pendant"
Run custom PHP code
"steps": [
"step": "runPHP",
"code": "<?php include 'wordpress/wp-load.php'; wp_insert_post(array( 'post_title' => 'Post title', 'post_content' => 'Post content', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_author' => 1 )); "
Enable an option on the Gutenberg Experiments page
Here: Switch on the "new admin views" feature.
"steps": [
"step": "runPHP",
"code": "<?php require '/wordpress/wp-load.php'; update_option( 'gutenberg-experiments', array( 'gutenberg-dataviews' => true ) );"
Showcase a product demo
"steps": [
"step": "installPlugin",
"pluginZipFile": {
"resource": "url",
"url": ""
"step": "installTheme",
"themeZipFile": {
"resource": "url",
"url": ""
"step": "importWxr",
"file": {
"resource": "url",
"url": ""
"step": "setSiteOptions",
"options": {
"some_required_option_1": "your_favorite_values",
"some_required_option_2": "your_favorite_values"
Enable PHP extensions and networking
"landingPage": "/wp-admin/plugin-install.php",
"phpExtensionBundles": [
"features": {
"networking": true
"steps": [
"step": "login"
Load PHP code on every request (mu-plugin)
Use the writeFile
step to add code to a mu-plugin that runs on every request.
"landingPage": "/category/uncategorized/",
"phpExtensionBundles": [
"features": {
"networking": true
"steps": [
"step": "login"
"step": "writeFile",
"path": "/wordpress/wp-content/mu-plugins/rewrite.php",
"data": "<?php add_action( 'after_setup_theme', function() { global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->set_permalink_structure('/%postname%/'); $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); } );"
Code editor (as a Gutenberg block)
"landingPage": "/wp-admin/post.php?post=4&action=edit",
"steps": [
"step": "login",
"username": "admin",
"password": "password"
"step": "installPlugin",
"pluginZipFile": {
"resource": "",
"slug": "interactive-code-block"
"step": "runPHP",
"code": "<?php require '/wordpress/wp-load.php'; wp_insert_post(['post_title' => 'WordPress Playground block demo!','post_content' => '<!-- wp:wordpress-playground/playground /-->', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'post',]);"
You can share your own Blueprint examples in this dedicated wiki.
Load an older WordPress version
Playground only ships with a few recent WordPress releases. If you need to use an older version, this Blueprint can help you: change the version number in "url": ""
from 5.9.9
to the release you want to load.
Note: the oldest supported WordPress version is 5.9.9
, following the SQLite integration plugin.
"landingPage": "/wp-admin",
"steps": [
"step": "writeFile",
"path": "/tmp/",
"data": {
"resource": "url",
"url": "",
"caption": "Downloading the WordPress Release"
"step": "importWordPressFiles",
"wordPressFilesZip": {
"resource": "vfs",
"path": "/tmp/"
"pathInZip": "/wordpress",
"progress": {
"weight": 20,
"caption": "Importing the WordPress release"
"step": "runPHP",
"code": "<?php $_GET['step'] = 'upgrade_db'; require '/wordpress/wp-admin/upgrade.php'; "
"step": "login",
"username": "admin",
"password": "password"
Run WordPress from trunk or a specific commit.
WordPress Playground can run trunk
(the latest commit), the HEAD of a specific branch or a specific commit from the WordPress/WordPress GitHub repository.
You can specify the reference in "url": ""
To specify the latest commit of a particular branch, you can change the reference to the brunch number, eg 6.6
. To run a specific commit, you can use the commit hash from WordPress/WordPress, eg 7d7a52367dee9925337e7d901886c2e9b21f70b6
Note: the oldest supported WordPress version is 5.9.9
, following the SQLite integration plugin.
"landingPage": "/wp-admin",
"login": true,
"preferredVersions": {
"php": "8.0",
"wp": ""