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Scopes keep your app working when you open it in two different browser tabs.

The Service Worker passes the intercepted HTTP requests to the PHPRequestHandler for rendering. Technically, it sends a message through a BroadcastChannel which then gets delivered to every browser tab where the application is open. This is undesirable, slow, and leads to unexpected behaviors.

Unfortunately, the Service Worker cannot directly communicate with the relevant Worker Thread – see PR #31 and issue #9 for more details.

Scopes enable each browser tab to:

  • Brand the outgoing HTTP requests with a unique tab id
  • Ignore any BroadcastChannel messages with a different id

Technically, a scope is a string included in the PHPRequestHandler.absoluteUrl. For example:

  • In an unscoped app, /index.php would be available at http://localhost:8778/wp-login.php
  • In an scoped app, /index.php would be available at http://localhost:8778/scope:96253/wp-login.php

The service worker is aware of this concept and will attach the /scope: found in the request URL to the related BroadcastChannel communication.

A worker thread initiated with a scoped absoluteUrl is said to be scoped:

import {
} from '@php-wasm/web';

// Don't use the absoluteURL directly:
const absoluteURL = ''

// Instead, set the scope first:
const scope = Math.random().toFixed(16)
const scopedURL = setURLScope(absoluteURL, scope).toString()

const { phpVersion } = parseWorkerStartupOptions<{ phpVersion?: string }>();
const php = await PHP.load('8.0', {
requestHandler: {
documentRoot: '/',
absoluteUrl: scopedSiteUrl

// Expose the API to app.ts:
const [setApiReady, ] = exposeAPI( php );